SEVEN STAR a natural botanical compound rich source of Organic Gibberlins, Auxins and cytokinins and abscisic acid. It suports overall development of plant. It gives miraculous results in flowering and fruit setting, reduces flower and fruit drop. IMPROVES yield. ecommended to use as foliar spray or soil application in all crops like Cotton, Rice, Wheat, Tomato, Potato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Chillies, Vegetables, Mango, Fruits, Groundnut, Mustard, Pulses, Plantation Crops and Ornamental plants.
Available in : 1 Lt, 500 Ml, 250 Ml, 100 Ml & 50 Ml
Application : 1-2 Foliar spray at flowering and fruit setting stage @0.6 ml to 1.25 Ml/ Ltr. water.